Structural Test with Randomized Couverage in Frama-C:Rukia/Auguste++
Personnes présentes
- Safouan Taha
- Frederic Boulanger
- Marie-Claude Gaudel
- Lina Yue
- Thibault Balabonski
- Delphine Longuet
- Vassil Todorov
- Burkhart Wolff
- Quintin Garchery
- Amina Bousalem
Presentators (by order of appearance)
- Frederic Voisin
Background: Relevance of Invariant Generation for Random Testing
See last Isabelle Club March 3rd 2018: Invariant Generation for RandomTesting in Kind and Kind2
Slides of Romain + extensions of Fred based on recent experiments extensions of Fred based on recent experiments.
- bu: it would intersting to see also the impact on input sizes for the concrete test for long paths
- bu : what are the most urgent problems to go further:
- overcoming the limitations of the memory model
- adding calls and strategies to handle calls in the program representation