Bât 650 Ada Lovelace, Université Paris Sud
Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Testing SWING-based user-interfaces: a Case Study for HOL-TestGen

[HOL-TestGen](ch/projects/hol-testgen/) is a specification-based test case generation environment. HOL-TestGen can be used to automatically generate test-sequences, or even interactive testers. The purpose of this project is:

  • to develop a formal model of a GUI programming interface (such as SWING)
  • to develop a method to generate and execute low-level GUI-Testsequences
  • to develop a method to specify high-level Goals of Interaction or abstract Requirements to possible interactions


  • Capture+Replay:
    • typical tools: Abbot+Costello, Marathon, Jacareto, TestGen4Web, Selenium, WebTst,
  • Script-language controlled approaches:
    • typical tools: Apodora, Concordion, FitNesse, …
  • QF - Test


  • org/wiki/Graphical_user_interface_testing
  • org/wiki/Comparison_of_GUI_testing_tools
  • com/articles/gui-automation-patterns
  • com/watch?v=c91XBjfODks

Required Skills:

  • Good functional programming skills
  • Very basic Knowledge on Isabelle/HOL and HOL-TestGen