
  ### Character encoding, 'utf-8' highly recommended for new wikis
  'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8',
  ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
  'Locale' => 'en',
  ### Time format, e.g. 'm-H:%M EET'
  'TimeFmt' => '',

    'UA_action_signup' => 'Sign Up',                                                                                                   
    'UA_action_menu' => 'User Menu',                                                                                                   
    'UA_contact_admin' => 'Please contact site admin',                                                                                 
    'UA_diff_userpasswd' => 'New passwords don't match',                                                                          
    'UA_email_fail' => 'Error sending email',                                                                                          
    'UA_email_from' => "no-reply@{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}",                                                                             
    'UA_empty_key' => 'Activation key is required',                                                                                    
    'UA_empty_useremail' => 'An e-mail address is required',                                                                           
    'UA_empty_username' => 'Username is required',                                                                                     
    'UA_empty_useroldpasswd' => 'Current password is required',                                                                        
    'UA_empty_userpasswd' => 'Password is required',                                                                                   
    'UA_empty_userpasswd2' => 'Please enter your password twice',                                                                      
    'UA_exists' => 'User already exists',                                                                                              
    'UA_fail_unknown_action' => 'Error: unknown user action',                                                                          
    'UA_invalid_useremail' => 'E-mail address is not valid',                                                                           
    'UA_invalid_username' => 'Username is not valid',                                                                                  
    'UA_invalid_userpasswd' => 'Password is not valid',                                                                                
    'UA_return_link' => "\\\\\n\nReturn to user actions",                                           
    'UA_title' => 'User account management',                                                                                           
    'UA_txt_key' => 'Activation key',                                                                                                  
    'UA_txt_useremail' => 'E-mail address',                                                                                            
    'UA_txt_usergroups' => 'User groups',                                                                                              
    'UA_txt_username' => 'Username',                                                                                                   
    'UA_txt_useroldpasswd' => 'Current password',                                                                                      
    'UA_txt_userpasswd' => 'New password',                                                                                             
    'UA_txt_userpasswd2' => 'New password, again',                                                                                     
    'UA_unauthorized' => 'Not authorized',                                                                                             
    'UA_unsupported_user_format' => 'User data can't be edited',                                                                  
    'UA_wrong_passwd' => 'Password not recognized',                                                                                    

    'UAedit_fail' => 'Error updating user account',                                                                                    
    'UAedit_submit' => 'Submit',                                                                                                       
    'UAedit_success' => 'User account updated',                                                                                        
    'UAedit_success_unchanged' => 'User account not modified',                                                                         
    'UAedit_title' => 'Edit user account',
   'UAnew_email_body' => 'Welcome $username!                                                                                          

        Thank you for registering at $WikiTitle.                                                                                       

        To activate your account and confirm your e-mail address, please visit                                                         
        the following location:                                                                                                        

    'UAnew_email_subject' => 'Welcome to $WikiTitle',
    'UAnew_email_sent' => 'E-mail sent with activation link',
    'UAnew_fail' => 'Error creating account',
    'UAnew_Submitx' => 'Register',
    'UAnew_success' => 'New user account created',
    'UAnew_Title' => 'Member Registration',

    'UAresetpasswd_email_body' => 'To set a new password for the user $username at $WikiTitle, please                                  
        visit the following location:                                                                                                  


        If you\'ve received this message in error, please contact the site admin                                                       
        at <'.$ScriptUrl.'>.                                                                                                           
    'UAresetpasswd_email_subject' => 'Password reset for $WikiTitle',
    'UAresetpasswd_email_empty' => 'User has no e-mail address defined',
    'UAresetpasswd_email_nomatch' => 'User and e-mail address do not match',
    'UAresetpasswd_fail' => 'Error sending reset link',
    'UAresetpasswd_submit' => 'Send reset link to user's e-mail address',
    'UAresetpasswd_success' => 'Password reset link sent to user's e-mail address',
    'UAresetpasswd_title' => 'Reset password',

    'UAunlock_already_active' => 'Account is already active',
    'UAunlock_bad_key' => 'Bad activation key',
    'UAunlock_fail' => 'Error activating account',
    'UAunlock_new_passwd' => 'Enter new password',
    'UAunlock_submit' => 'Activate/set password',                                                                                      
    'UAunlock_success_activated' => 'User account activated',                                                                          
    'UAunlock_success_set_pw' => 'User password set',                                                                                  
    'UAunlock_title' => 'Account activation',                                                                                          

    'UAinstall_title' => 'Database Installation (admin).',                                                                             
    'UAinstall_success' => 'Database tables successfully created.',                                                                    
    'UAinstall_fail' => 'Database tables WERE NOT successfully created. See errors.',                                                  

    'UAlogin2edit_title' => 'Login to edit your account details',                                                                      
    'UAlogin2edit_link' => 'fr/LMFen/XLPage?action=user/edit',                                         

    'UAloginother_title' => 'Login as another user',
    'UAloginother_link' => 'fr/LMFen/XLPage?action=login',

    'UAlogin_title' => 'Login to continue',
    'UAlogin_link' => 'fr/LMFen/XLPage?action=login',