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def fact(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * fact(n - 1)
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[1] hall1990sevenSeven myths of formal methods , IEEE software, vol. 7, # 5, 1990(BibTeX)
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[2] woodcock2009formalFormal methods: Practice and experience , ACM computing surveys (CSUR), vol. 41, # 4, 2009
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[3] woodcock2009formalFormal methods: Practice and experience , ACM computing surveys (CSUR), vol. 41, # 4, 2009(BibTeX)
[4] frey2000formalFormal methods in PLC programming , SMC 2000 Conference proceedings. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics., 2000, pages 2431-2436, . IEEE(BibTeX)
The BibTeX data
@article{wing1990specifier, title={A specifier's introduction to formal methods}, author={Wing, Jeannette M}, journal={Computer}, volume={23}, number={9}, pages={8--22}, year={1990}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{hall1990seven, title={Seven myths of formal methods}, author={Hall, Anthony}, journal={IEEE software}, volume={7}, number={5}, pages={11--19}, year={1990}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{woodcock2009formal, title={Formal methods: Practice and experience}, author={Woodcock, Jim and Larsen, Peter Gorm and Bicarregui, Juan and Fitzgerald, John}, journal={ACM computing surveys (CSUR)}, volume={41}, number={4}, pages={1--36}, year={2009}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA} } @article{clarke1996formal, title={Formal methods: State of the art and future directions}, author={Clarke, Edmund M and Wing, Jeannette M}, journal={ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)}, volume={28}, number={4}, pages={626--643}, year={1996}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA} } @book{hinchey1995applications, title={Applications of formal methods}, author={Hinchey, Michael G and Bowen, Jonathan Peter}, volume={1}, year={1995}, publisher={Prentice Hall New Jersey} } @article{bowen1995seven, title={Seven more myths of formal methods}, author={Bowen, Jonathan P and Hinchey, Michael G}, journal={IEEE software}, volume={12}, number={4}, pages={34--41}, year={1995}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{bowen1993safety, title={Safety-critical systems, formal methods and standards}, author={Bowen, Jonathan and Stavridou, Victoria}, journal={Software engineering journal}, volume={8}, number={4}, pages={189--209}, year={1993}, publisher={IET} } @inproceedings{frey2000formal, title={Formal methods in PLC programming}, author={Frey, Georg and Litz, Lothar}, booktitle={{SMC} 2000 Conference proceedings. 2000 {IEEE} International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.}, volume={4}, pages={2431--2436}, year={2000}, organization={IEEE} } @article{bowen1995ten, title={Ten commandments of formal methods}, author={Bowen, Jonathan P and Hinchey, Michael G}, journal={Computer}, volume={28}, number={4}, pages={56--63}, year={1995}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{sidhu1989formal, title={Formal methods for protocol testing: A detailed study}, author={Sidhu, Deepinder P. and Leung, T-K}, journal={IEEE transactions on software engineering}, volume={15}, number={4}, pages={413--426}, year={1989}, publisher={IEEE} }