I'm a PhD student at Laboratoire Methodes Formelles (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay, CNRS) under the supervision of Alain Finkel and Stephane Le Roux since 2023.
PhD topic: Formal models for consciousness : from subjective experience towards cognitive algorithms.
Get a quick understanding of my PhD by watching my presentation at the Saclay finale of "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" ("My PhD in 180 seconds") where I won the price of the jury. View the video here.
For research or teaching purposes, please contact me at gaspard.fougea (at) lmf (dot) cnrs (dot) fr
Research Interest
- Formal models for psychology
- Consciousness studies
- Stress
Seminars and talks:
- Participated at Paris Mathematical Models of Cognition and Consciousness: seminar 3 Mathematical Aspects of Integrated Information Theory (IIT) 2 the 06-02-2024
- Talk on "Models of consciousness and their implication on the possibility of artificial consciousness" in AI-PHI club the 15-02-2024.