Titouan Carette

I am currently assistant professor Monge in quantum computing at École Polytechnique. Before that I was a post-doctoral researcher at University of Latvia, in the Centre for Quantum Computer Science, and even before that in the QuaCS Inria team. I also did other things that can be found in this CV .
I am particularly interested in the design of graphical languages for quantum computing. This implies using abstract categorical frameworks, allowing the extension of classical concepts to the quantum setting. Precisely, I work on props and string diagrams, mostly ZX-calculus. I am also interested in the theory of programming languages, category theory in general, and the foundations of quantum physics.
I am currently investigating with more or less intensity the following subjects:
- Links between tensor networks and symbolic dynamic
- Promonads and programming
- Combinatorial interpretation of ZW-calculus, matchgates, perfect matchings
- Graphical languages for infinite-dimensional quantum mechanics
- Foundations of graphical languages in the prop formalism
- Categorical approach to relational quantum mechanics
If you are interested in discussing any of those topics, don't hesitate to reach me by mail:
Aperiodicity in Quantum Wang Tilings
Titouan Carette, Étienne Moutot, 2023,
Operational Quantum Reference Frame Transformations
Titouan Carette, Jan Głowacki, Leon Loveridge, 2023,
Compositionality of planar perfect matchings
Titouan Carette, Etienne Moutot, Thomas Perez, Renaud Vilmart, ICALP 2023,
DOI :arXiv:2302.08767
Complete Graphical Language for Hermiticity-Preserving Superoperators
Titouan Carette, Thimothée Hoffreumon, Émile Larroque, LICS 2023,
DOI :arXiv:2302.04212
Central Submonads and Notions of Computation
TItouan Carette, Louis Lemonnier, Vladimir Zamdzhiev, LICS 2023,
DOI :arXiv:2207.09190
Complete ZX-Calculi for the Stabiliser Fragment in Odd Prime Dimensions
Robert Booth, Titouan Carette, MFCS 2022,
DOI :10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2022.24
Quantum Algorithms and Oracles with the Scalable ZX-calculus
Titouan Carette, Yohann D'Anello, Simon Perdrix, QPL 2021,
Graphical Language with Delayed Trace: Picturing Quantum Computing with Finite Memory
Titouan Carette, Marc De Visme, Simon Perdrix, LICS 2021,
DOI: 10.1109/LICS52264.2021.9470553
A recipe for quantum graphical languages
Titouan Carette, Emmanuel Jeandel, ICALP 2020,
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2020.118
SZX-calculus: Scalable Graphical Quantum Reasoning
Titouan Carette, Dominic Horsman, Simon Perdrix, MFCS 2019,
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2019.55
Completeness of Graphical Languages for Mixed State Quantum Mechanics
Titouan Carette, Emmanuel Jeandel, Simon Perdrix, Renaud Vilmart, ICALP 2019,
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2019.108
Extended Learning Graphs for Triangle Finding
Titouan Carette, Mathieu Laurière, Frédéric Magniez, STACS 2017,
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2017.20
Fact-nets: towards a mathematical framework for relational quantum mechanics
Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Titouan Carette, Jan Głowacki, Vaclav Zatloukal, Federico Zalamea, Foundations of Physics,
Completeness of Graphical Languages for Mixed State Quantum Mechanics
Titouan Carette, Emmanuel Jeandel, Simon Perdrix, Renaud Vilmart, ACM Transactions in Quantum Computing,
DOI: 10.1145/3464693
Extended Learning Graphs for Triangle Finding
Titouan Carette, Mathieu Laurière, Frédéric Magniez, Algorithmica,
DOI: 10.1007/s00453-019-00627-z
Wielding the ZX-calculus, Flaxsymmetry, Mixed states and Scalable notations
Titouan Carette, University of Lorraine,
Manuscript accessible here.
Notes and work in progress
Propification and the Scalable Comonad
Titouan Carette,
Large-scale quantum diagrammatic reasoning tools, !-boxes vs. scalable notations
Titouan Carette, Louis Lemonnier,