Taming Quantum Causality

Taming Quantum Causality (TaQC) is an ANR project (ANR-22-CE47-0012) that started in 2023 for 4 years, and joining together members from Inria Lyon, Institut Néel, CEA Larsim, and Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles.
The project aims at better understanding and harnessing the power of indefinite causal orders, a phenomenon allowed by Quantum advantages in quantum technological protocols arise from the use of non-classical resources, e.g., superposition or entanglement. The discipline of quantum information has recently come to realise that quantum advantages can also be obtained via another fundamental physical principle: causality. The project aims at carrying out fundamental research to develop quantum causality as a new non-classical resource on par with superposition and entanglement. This will allow for a new approach to quantum computing, suggesting new ways of thinking and devising quantum circuits, based on new concepts, and opening the door to new applications for quantum information processing.

Inria Grenoble
- Alastair Abbott
- Mehdi Mhalla
- Pierre Pocreau
- Maarten Grothus
Institut Néel
- Cyril Branciard
- Raphael Mothe
CEA Larsim
- Alexei Grinbaum
- Bethany Terris
- Pablo Arrighi
- Pablo Arnault
- Esteban Castro
- Benoît Valiron
- Renaud Vilmart
- Luidnel Maignan
- Augustin Vanrietvelde
- Marin Costes
- Julien Lamiroy
- 26/01/2023 - 27/01/2023 : Kick-off meeting, Grenoble
- 19/06/2023 - 20/06/2023 : Workshop, Saclay
- 11/01/2024 - 12/01/2024 : Workshop, Grenoble
- 11/06/2024 - 12/06/2024 : Workshop, Saclay