
With a commitment to integrate research and education, the members of LMF are engaged in various teaching departments of Université Paris-Saclay and its academic partners.

ENS Paris-Saclay

Département Informatique

The department provides a three-year curriculum on Advanced Computing Science, with the aim of introducing students to foundational research.

The first year (L3) gives access to the French licence, which corresponds to the final year of a Bachelor's degree. The second and third year (M1, M2) are organised within a research Master's programme: the Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique. While the L3 is primarily addressed at French students, the Master's programme is open to international students, with lectures given in English and French.

Contact : Mihaela Sighireanu, directrice du département


Department of Computer Science

The department of Computer Science at CentraleSupélec provides courses in the two first years of the engineering diploma that are common to all majors and cover the basics of computer science (programming, algorithms) as well as some more advanced courses that are chosen by motivated students.

During the third and final year of their curriculum, students chose a major to specialize in a domain. The department of Computer Sciences provides three majors:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Architecture of Information Systems
  • Software Science

Contact : Frédéric Boulanger, head of the department

Formation à la recherche

Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique

The MPRI - Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique is a research-oriented Master's programme in Computing Science founded jointly by Université de Paris, University Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and run in association with Sorbonne Université, CNRS, INRIA, and CEA.

Its purpose is to train emerging scientists by exposure to current research. The programme is open to students who have completed a French licence or an equivalent Bachelor's degree from a French or foreign university.

Contact : Olivier Carton, directeur du programme

Études doctorales

The laboratory hosts currently around 40 PhD students. New thesis proposals and funding offers are issued throughout the year. If you are interested to pursue a PhD in one of our research areas, please do contact the faculty members at any time.

LMF is affiliated to the Graduate School for Computing Science, and the doctoral studies are conducted under the aegis of the attached Doctoral School Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication (STIC).