ENS Paris-Saclay: Computer Science Department

Here starts the english version


The Computer Science Department of ENS Paris-Saclay offers a three-year course on fundamental aspects of computer science, with the aim of introducing students to research in computer science.

The first year (L3) gives access to the French licence, it is equivalent to the final year of a Bachelor degree. The second and third year (M1/M2) consist of a research master programme, the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI). While the L3 is taught in French and primarily addressed at French students, the master programme is open to French or international students alike, with courses given in English and French.

Recruitment and Scholarships

We are looking for international students to join our master programme, several scholarship fundings are available. See here for more information. Here ends the english version

Rentrée 2024

The program back-to-school is available!

Starting with Wednesday August 28th, 2024: internship defences, welcome and pedagogical meetings, departement and intitutional presentations, ...

Full program ...

Prix E.W.Beth pour la thèse d'Aliaume Lopez (promo 2015)

Aliaume Lopez (promo 2015) a reçu le prix 2024 E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize pour sa thèse First Order Preservation Theorems in Finite Model Theory : Locality, Topology, and Limit Constructions.

Ce prix, portant le nom du mathématicien hollandais Evert Willem Beth, est accordé depuis 1988 par Association for Logic, Language, and Information (FoLLI) et récompense chaque année une thèse remarquable dans le domaine de la logique, langages formelles et théorie de l'informatiion.

Aliaume a été dirigé dans ces travaux par Jean Goubault-Larrecq au LSV puis LMF et par Sylvain Schmitz à l'IRIF.