Participation à JITA 2024

Eleven students of the department presented their research work during the JITA 2024 conference, a "junior" conference on theoretical computer science of the Graduate School ISN.

Warm congratulations to Noémie Catherinot (promo 2023), Basile Schlosser (promo 2023), Pierre Durieux (promo 2023), Maëlle Cornély (promo 2023), Léo Juguet (promo 2022), Sébastien Very (promo 2023), Titouan Lozac'h (promo 2023), Alban Mattei (promo 2023), Thomas Valentin (promo 2023), Thomas Filasto (promo 2022), Jérôme Guyot (promo 2022).