M1 MPRI at ENS Paris-Saclay - Course Selection
This page is meant for students who are already enrolled in the M1. In this page, "you" is the student and "I/me" is the head of the M1 year.
Choosing your courses
At the beginning of each semester, you must select the list of courses that you will attend. This is done through the serveur pédagogique. You should all have accounts. If you have never logged in, ask for a new password to be sent to your email address. If you don't find which email has been used for your account, ask me.
A preliminary/partial course choice must be on the server by September 27, 2023. Let me know if you encounter any technical problem. If you need pedagogical guidance, please send me an email and possibly ask for an appointment.
General recommendations
Remember the validation rules:
- 30 ECTS of long internship + 30 ECTS of courses, among the latter 24 in computer science, among which 18 in MPRI; or
- 15 ECTS of short internship + 45 ECTS of courses, among the latter 30 in computer science, among which 24 in MPRI.
Local L3 and MPRI M2 courses count as MPRI ECTS.
Those are credits required for passing; depending on the difficulty of the courses that you take, a safety margin might be reasonable. I recommend getting 66 to 72 ECTS in total, and thinking about the margin on other requirements. However, do not overload yourself: you should be able to really follow the courses you select, to get something out of them and validate your year. This will take some work!
Using the serveur pédagogique
Once you're logged in, select `Choix de cours' in the left column and then click on the `Choisir mon parcours' button in the middle. This opens the main form.
In the top right pulldown menu `Parcours', select `Court' if you intend to do a short internship and `Long' otherwise.
Select the MPRI M1 courses in the middle of the form. You have to select initiation to research and the type of internship that corresponds to your choice (`stage court'/`stage long'). If you were here last year and passed the English course, select it as well.
If you wish to follow external courses, you should click on `[afficher]' links at the bottom of the page. This gives you access to MPRI M2 courses (`Cours de M2 du MPRI'), Bachelor level courses (`Cours de L3 de l'ENS Paris-Saclay'), computer science courses elsewhere (`Cours d'informatique'), other courses (`Autre cours'), and courses awaiting validation by the department (`Cours en attente de validation').
If you wish to choose an external course that does not appear in any of the above lists, you should:
- first save your current selection with the `Enregistrer' button
- then select `Choisir mon parcours' again
- click on the bottommost `Proposer un cours extérieur' button
- fill in the form with the name of the course and all required information (including URL, teacher name, number of hours and ECTS)
- click on `Soumettre'
Once you're ready with your choice and you've clicked on `Enregistrer', you're lead to a summary of your choices, where you can decide to submit your choices by clicking on `Finaliser et soumettre la sélection'.
I will later review your choices and either validate them or contact you with questions or comments.
List of courses
The main courses are the MPRI M1 courses, as shown on our timetable.
You can also take local L3 courses: see the timetable for the first semester.
You may also follow not-too-difficult MPRI M2 courses: here is the list, and the timetable.
You may also select some computer science courses from other M1, for instance at Univ. Paris-Cité (list and http://www.informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr) or Univ. Paris-Saclay.
This list is not exhaustive: there is also Sorbonne Université, Polytechnique, and many curricula from which you can select non-computer-science courses.