- Date: Thursday, October 24th 2019
- Participants:
- Departue:
- Return:
- Overseer: Stéphane Le Roux
- Local Organisers: Gilles Trombettoni, Bruno Grenet, Victor Poupet
Montpellier Visit - LIRMM
Program of the Day
- 13h00 : Marie-Laure Mugnier
- 13h25 : Gilles Trombettoni
- 13h50 : Eleonora Guerrini
- 14h15 : Andrei Romashchenko
- 14h45-15h50 : visite plateformes MIC et ROB
- 15h50-16h15 : pause café - goûter
- 16h15 :
- 16h45 : Noura Faraj
- 17h15 : David Delahaye
- 17h45 : Stéphane Bessy (ou autre si changement)
Material associated with the presentations
This includes slides, links, and internship offers.
- Random number generator: testing and whitening (le premier sujet)
Encadrants : Andrei Romashchenko et Alexander Shen.
Résumé :
Generation of random bits is a classical problem known in the context of pseudo-random generators and also in connection with of truly random physical processes (there exist electronic devices that produce random bits using an unpredictable physical noise or intrinsically nondeterministic quantum phenomena). However, the quality of physical generators of random bits remains badly founded and poorly tested. The first objective of this project is an experimental study of the validity and quality of several physical random numbers generators.
When we talk about the quality of random or pseudo-random generators, we have to use randomness tests. The second objective of the project is an inventory and revision of statistical tests for random and pseudo-random generators. We suggest to improve the quality of statistical tests and develop new techniques of "whitening" that improves the quality of non-ideal sources of random bits. - Modélisation et visualisation d'images 3D massives structurées
Encadrants : Noura Faraj, Christophe Fiorio et Benjamin Charlier - Calcul de lignes de courbure sur un maillage 3D discret
Encadrant : Gérard Subsol - Graphes et preuves formelles Δ
Encadrant : Christian Rétoré (fr/~retore ; christian.retore@lirmm.fr ; 04 67 14 98 22)
- Intervalles et systèmes dynamiques : exploitation de la monotonie
Encadrants : Gilles Trombettoni et Victor Reyes - Plongements d'arbres dans des graphes orientés acycliques
Encadrants : Vincent Berry et Celine Scornavacca - Formalisation de l'algorithme du PGCD rapide
Encadrants : Bruno Grenet et David Delahaye