Better Synthesis for Quantitative Underspecified Systems
Patricia Bouyer-Decitre
Senior Researcher, CNRS
Director of LMF

Mail: bouyer
Phone: +33 (0)1 81 87 54 34
Office: 1S60, Bâtiment ENS - Nord
Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF)
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay
4 avenue des Sciences • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Some pointers on my research
- My publications on DBLP
- My google scholar profile
- My publications (old -- LSV time)
- Some of my recent talks (Really under construction) -- Old style version, which should be preferred
- My curriculum vitae in English (Sept. 2023) and in French (Jan. 2025)
Professional activities
- I am a PC co-chair of CONCUR'25, which will take place in Aarhus in August 2025
- I have been a PC chair for Track B of FSTTCS'23, which has taken place in Hyderabad in December 2023
- I have been a PC co-chair for Track B of STACS'23, which has taken place in Hamburg in March 2023
- I have been a PC co-chair of FoSSaCS'22, which has taken place in Munich in April 2022
- I have been the PC chair of LICS'19, which has taken place in Vancouver in June 2019
- I regularly take part to programme committees of conferences
- I am a member of the editorial board of the journal TheoretiCS and of the journal Acta Informatica
- I have been the president of the committee for the Gilles Kahn PhD thesis award (2016-2018)
- I have been a member of section 6 of Comité national (2012-2016)
- I have been the workshop chair of the LICS conference (2013-2018)
- I teach in lecture 2.8 of Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique. Lecture notes
Students supervision
- I currently co-supervise two PhD students:
- Vaishnavi Vishwanath (PhD student at CMI, started in Sept. 2023, co-supervised by B. Srivathsan)
- Luc Lapointe (started in Sept. 2023, co-supervised by Nathalie Bertrand)
- Former students
- I am the recipient of the Presburger Award 2011, given by the EATCS. The ceremony took place during the conference ICALP'11
- I have received the bronze medal of CNRS in 2007
- I have been awarded a Marie Curie fellowship in 2006, for a one-year stay at Oxford University.
Ongoing projects
Methods of Analysis for Verification of Quantitative properties
Past projects
Efficient Techniques and Tools for the Verification and Synthesis of Real-Time Systems
Enhancing the Quality of Interacting Systems
Implantabilité et Robustesse des Systèmes Temporisés
Personal links
- The cutest baby :-) in 2010, in 2011 and in 2012
- The cutests babies :-) In 2013, in 2014, in 2015, in 2016, in 2017, in 2018, in 2019 and in 2020.
- Our little paradise (some technical details)
- Some of my favorite pictures
- My stay in Oxford in pictures
- A wonderful sunset in Iceland: in large or in small format
- The Taj Mahal
- A nice hotel
- The burger imperialism
- A one-picture-a-day website
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Visit the world with Geo Magazine!