Master 2 Recherche en Informatique
Head of M2 MPRI at ENS Paris-Saclay: Jean Goubault-Larrecq
The Master 2 degree in Computer Science is open to 3rd year and to 4th year students. Its goal is to introduce the students to a field of computer science research. The computer science department is an important player in the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI), a master recognized for its excellent training in fields related to the foundations of computer science (algorithms, complexity and computability, formal languages, logic, semantics of languages, automated and mechanized proof, verification of complex systems, cryptography and computer security). Students have the choice of taking other masters.
For more information on this master's degree, its organization, admission and validation rules, see the presentation page. You can also get in touch with the head of the year, Jean Goubault-Larrecq, at <name> DOT lmf DOT cnrs DOT fr.
School Year 2024/2025
- The general kickoff meeting of the MPRI M2 will take place on Monday, September 16th, 2024 at 10.00 in amphitheater Alan Turing in the Sophie Germain building of Université Paris-Cité, Paris. Here are the slides.
- The M2 MPRI lectures start the next day.
Organization of Studies
The Research Master 2 year usually consists of a first semester of courses and a second semester devoted to a research internship. In the case of the MPRI Master 2, the curriculum includes:
- lectures during the first term (September through February); the chosen courses must total 30 ECTS, including at least 18 ECTS in M2 from MPRI; it is possible to supplement with M1 courses from MPRI or courses from other masters programs in the Paris region;
- a 4 and a half month internship, starting from mid-March (30 ECTS). Read this page for information on how to prepare your internships, and to download the relevant forms. Here is a partially pre-filled form.
- If you plan to go abroad, please get in touch with the international relations office, but read this first:
Research Masters 2 Programs around Paris
The normaliens-élèves and normaliens-étudiants may also register to other Master 2 programs, for example:
- Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI),
- Master Mathématiques Vision Apprentissage (MVA - Mathematics, Vision, Learning) at ENS Paris-Saclay,
- Master Recherche Informatique (computer science research) at Faculté de sciences d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud,
- Master Logique mathématique et Fondements de l'Informatique (LMFI - mathematical logic and foundations of computer science) at Université de Paris,
- Master Informatique parcours "Science et Technologie du Logiciel'' (STL - software science and technology) at Sorbonne Université.
Financial Support
Students may benefit from programs to fund their studies during this master:
- ENS Paris-Saclay program for international students,
- IDEX program for Paris-Saclay students (not normaliens élèves).
To continue in PhD, the following opportunities are available:
- CDSN for French normaliens students,
- PhD Track for normaliens-students in second year,
- Fulbright program to go do a PhD in the USA,
- funding proposals on the M2 MPRI web site.