Gilles Dowek receives French Academy of Sciences Award

Each year, the French Academy of Sciences awards nearly eighty prizes covering the entire specrum of fundamental and applied sciences. At the award ceremony of 26 November, 2024, Gilles Dowek was bestowed with the Medal for Contributions to the History and Philosophy of Science.

Gilles Dowek explores new philosophical questions raised by the development of computer science. These questions address the role of computation in defining mathematical truth, the relationship between the Church-Turing thesis and Galileo's principle that the Universe is written in the language of mathematics, the concept of formal languages and their connection to writing, and the construction of an ethics of computer science.

— Award citation

The Medal for Contributions to the History and Philosophy of Science is awarded to an active scientist of any nationality working in a French public or private research laboratory who has contributed particularly promising results to the development of their discipline, without restriction on the fundamental or applied nature of their research.

Photo credit: © Académie des sciences – Mathieu Baumer