Hubert Comon Retirement Workshop

Hubert Comon has just retired. A celebration workshop in his honour will take place at ENS Paris-Saclay in the "Grand Amphithéâtre" on June 16, 2022. The event is joint with the final meeting of the ANR TECAP project.

Hubert Comon


9h00– 10h00 Welcome coffee (espace Simondon)

10h-11h45 TECAP talks (Grand amphithéâtre)

11h45-13h15 Lunch (hall Emmy Noether)

13h15-14h00 Keynote - Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Grand amphithéâtre)

14h00-14h45 Keynote - Géraud Senizergues (Grand amphithéâtre)

14h45-15h00 Coffee break (espace Simondon)

15h00-15h45 Keynote - Florent Jacquemard (Grand amphithéâtre)

15h45-16h30 Keynote - Stéphanie Delaune & Véronique Cortier (Grand amphithéâtre)

16h30-18h30 Celebration (hall Emmy Noether)

For more details, see the workshop page of ANR TECAP.