Hubert Comon has just retired. A celebration workshop in his honour will take place at ENS Paris-Saclay in the "Grand Amphithéâtre" on June 16, 2022. The event is joint with the final meeting of the ANR TECAP project.
9h00– 10h00 Welcome coffee (espace Simondon)
10h-11h45 TECAP talks (Grand amphithéâtre)
11h45-13h15 Lunch (hall Emmy Noether)
13h15-14h00 Keynote - Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Grand amphithéâtre)
14h00-14h45 Keynote - Géraud Senizergues (Grand amphithéâtre)
14h45-15h00 Coffee break (espace Simondon)
15h00-15h45 Keynote - Florent Jacquemard (Grand amphithéâtre)
15h45-16h30 Keynote - Stéphanie Delaune & Véronique Cortier (Grand amphithéâtre)
16h30-18h30 Celebration (hall Emmy Noether)
For more details, see the workshop page of ANR TECAP.