News & Events

Philippe Schnoebelen receives LICS 2022 Test-of-Time Award

Philippe Schnoebelen

Philippe Schnoebelen receives the LICS Test-of-Time Award 2022 for the article Temporal Logic with Forgettable Past co-authored with François Laroussinie (Université Paris-Cité) and Nicolas Markey (IRISA, CNRS). At the time of the writing of the article in 2002, the three authors were members of the same laboratory LSV which integrated the LMF in 2021.

The LICS - Logic in Computer Science conference is the most prestigious annual forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science related to logic in a broad sense. The LICS Test-of-Time Award award recognizes a small number of papers from the LICS proceedings over the past 20 years (i.e., the paper in question dates from LICS 2002 and was considered this year) that have best stood the "test of time." In selecting these papers, the award committee considers the influence they have had since their publication; due to the fundamental nature of LICS work, the impact is often not felt immediately, hence the 20-year perspective.


PhD Defence: Dongho Lee

Formal Methods for Quantum Programming Languages
by Dongho Lee
Thursday 21 July 2022 at 2pm

Dongho Lee

Abstract: The quantum random-access machine (QRAM) model is a practical model of quantum computation composed of a classical computer and a quantum processor communicating with each other. The program is executed on the classical computer. It can send instructions corresponding to quantum operations and receive measurement outcomes from the quantum co-processor. This model is expected to be the model of quantum computation in the near future, and a group of quantum programming languages has been developed based on it.


PLDI'22 Distinguished Paper Award for Xavier Denis, Jacques-Henri Jourdan

PLDI 2022

Xavier Denis, Jacques-Henri Jourdan and their co-authors Yusuke Matsushita and Derek Dreyer received a Distinguished Paper Award for their contribution RustHornBelt: A semantic foundation for functional verification of Rust programs with unsafe code at PLDI 2022, the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.


Start-up ’’innatelogic’’ sélectionné pour RISE - CNRS Innovation

RISE - CNRS Innovations

Le projet innatelogic, porté par Benedikt Bollig, Matthias Függer et Thomas Nowak, a été sélectionné pour faire partie de la prochaine promotion du programme RISE de CNRS Innovation. RISE accompagne, pendant un an, des projets de startup deeptech exploitant une technologie issue d'un laboratoire du CNRS.


Journées nationales du GDR Sécurité Informatique

Caroline Fontaine organise les Journées Nationales du GDR Sécurité Informatique au Campus Cyber de La Défense du 22 au 24 juin 2022.

Journées GDR Sécurité Informatique

Le GDR Sécurité Informatique est un outil d'animation de la recherche française créé par l'Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions (INS2I) du CNRS, et ouvert à toute la communauté. Les thématiques couvertes incluent le codage et la cryptographie, les méthodes formelles pour la sécurité, la protection de la vie privée, la sécurité des systèmes, des logiciels et des réseaux, la sécurité des systèmes matériels, la sécurité et les données multimédia. Caroline Fontaine dirige le GDR depuis juillet 2021.

JFLA 2022

Chantal Keller co-organise le 33e édition des Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2022) à Saint-Médard-d'Excideuil, dans le Périgord.

JFLA 2022


Hubert Comon Retirement Workshop

Hubert Comon has just retired. A celebration workshop in his honour will take place at ENS Paris-Saclay in the "Grand Amphithéâtre" on June 16, 2022. The event is joint with the final meeting of the ANR TECAP project.

Hubert Comon


Séminaire au vert, Étiolles, 12 – 13 juin 2023

Les journées du LMF 2023 ont eu lieu les 12 – 13 juin 2023 au Étiolles Country Club.


Seminaire au vert, Étiolles, 9 – 10 juin 2022

Les journées du LMF 2022 vont avoir lieu les 9 – 10 juin 2022 au Étiolles Country Club.

How to get there

A bus leaving from Gif-sur-Yvette to Étiolles on Thursday morning, returning on Friday evening:

  • Thursday, meeting 9h30 at the Digiteo parking (rue Raimond Castaing), departure 9h45; no stop in Guichet this time !
  • Friday, departure at 16h30 from Étiolles Country Club towards Le Guichet RER, with terminus Digiteo parking.

If you arrange your own transport (car, bike, public transportation), please check the arrival instructions of our host.

For those arriving by RER, a shuttle service will be running from the RER D station Evry Val de Seine to Étiolles Country Club between 10h and 10h30.


Day 1, Thursday 9 June

10h30 – 11h00 Arrival, welcome coffee

11h00 – 12h30 Tutorial (salle Birdy)

  • Andrei Paskevich and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre: Why3

12h30 – 14h00 Lunch

14h00 – 15h30 Science Talks (salle Birdy)

  • Me & my project: Kostia Chardonnet, Agustin Borgna, Julien Simonnet (10 minutes each)
  • Stéphane Demri: Dynamic Axioms in Description Logics (30 minutes)
  • Jacques-Henri Jourdan: Verifying Rust programs using Creusot (30 minutes)

15h30 – 16h00 Coffee break

16h00 – 18h00 Discussion / ateliers (salle Birdy)

  • Présentation du projet d'échanges linguistiques (Fabricio Cravo Gomes)
  • Présentation du projet de posters (Mihaela Sighireanu)
  • Proposition d'atelier « design de t-shirts » (Amrita Suresh)
  • Possibly something else

18h00 – 20h00

  • Get your room key
  • Apéro italien (Milano Country Club)

20h00 – 22h00 Dinner

From 22h Soirée Casino Bling Bling (Club House)

Day 2, Friday 10 June

8h00 – 8h45

  • Breakfast
  • Give your room key back

9h00 – 10h30 Tutorial (salle Varangues)

  • Benedikt Bollig: Automata learning

10h30 – 11h00 Coffee break

11h00 – 12h30 Discussion + photos individuelles + photo de groupe (salle Varangues)

12h30 – 14h00 Lunch

14h00 – 16h00 Science talks (salle Varangues)

  • Me & my project: Fabricio Cravo Gomes, Luc Chabassier, Louise Dubois de Prisque (10 minutes each)
  • Armaël Guéneau: Separation Logic: beyond Functional Correctness (30 minutes)
  • Laurent Doyen: Stochastic Games with Synchronizing Objectives (30 minutes)
  • Vladimir Zamdzhiev: Quantum Expectation Transformers for Cost Analysis (30 minutes)

16h00 – 16h30 Coffee break, departure

Portraits de chercheurs : Stefan Haar

Stefan Haar

Repousser les limites des systèmes à événements discrets : un article sur notre collègue Stefan Haar vient de paraitre dans la rubrique Portraits de chercheurs des Actualités de l'Université Paris-Saclay.

Lire l'article