News & Events
Best-Paper Award at FMICS 2021
Cláudio Belo Lourenço and Claude Marché from the Toccata team at LMF with co-authors from Mitsubishi Electric received the Best-Paper Award at FMICS 2021, the 26th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. Read more...
Best-Paper Award at ICTAC 2021
Gilles Dowek and Alejandro Díaz-Caro (Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) received the Best-Paper Award at ICTAC 2021, the 18th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing for their paper A New Connective in Natural Deduction, and Its Application to Quantum Computing.
PhD Defense: Yacine El Haddad
Integrating Automated Theorem Provers in Proof Assistants
by Mohamed Yacine El Haddad
Thursday 9 September 2021 at 14h00
online (link to be announced)
Abstract: Lambdapi is a proof assistant that allows users to construct a proof of a given theorem in a universal language based on the lambda-pi-calculus. The goal of this thesis is to add more automation to Lambdapi to save more time and effort for the users.Read more...
PhD defense : Jury Kolčák
Unfoldings and Abstract Interpretation for Parametric Biological Regulatory Networks
by Juraj Kolčák
Tuesday 06 July 2021 at 09h00, online
- Gilles Bernot (reviewer) – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Polytech Nice Sophia
- Paolo Zuliani (reviewer) – Newcastle University
- Pascale Le Gall – Centrale Supélec
- Barbara König – Universität Duisburg-Essen
- Heike Siebert – Freie Universität Berlin
- Stefan Haar (PhD Supervisor) – Université Paris-Saclay
Soutenance de thèse: Gaspard Férey
Higher-Order Confluence and Universe Embedding in the Logical Framework
par Gaspard Férey
mercredi, 30 juin 2021 à 10h00
Résumé : La multiplicité des systèmes formels a mis en évidence la nécessité d'un socle logique commun dans lequel les formalismes logiques pourraient être exprimés. L'enjeu principal de ce manuscrit est la définition de techniques d'encodages reposant sur la réécriture de termes et capables de représenter les fonctionnalités avancées des systèmes de types modernes. Read more...
PhD Defense: Gaspard Férey
Higher-Order Confluence and Universe Embedding in the Logical Framework by: Gaspard Férey Wednesday 30 June 2021, 10:00 remote
Summary: In the context of the multiplicity of formal systems, it has become a growing need to express formal proofs into a common logical framework. This thesis focuses on the use of higher-order term rewriting to embed complex formal systems in the simple and well-studied lambda-Pi calculus modulo. Read more...
Collégiennes et lycéennes à la découverte de l'informatique
L'Université Paris-Saclay organise une école d'été invitant les lycéennes de seconde et collégiennes de 4ème à découvrir les nouvelles sciences.
Le LMF participe à cette initiative avec une présentation des métiers de la recherche et un atelier de robotique avec capteurs. Le but de l'atelier est de concevoir quelques algorithmes distribués simples Read more...
E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize for Aliaume Lopez
Aliaume Lopez received the 2024 E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize for his thesis First Order Preservation Theorems in Finite Model Theory : Locality, Topology, and Limit Constructions.
The prize, named in honor of the Dutch mathematician Evert Willem Beth, was established in 1998 by the Association for Logic, Language, and Information (FoLLI) and is awarded annually for outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information.
Aliaume prepared his thesis under the joint supervision of Jean Goubault-Larrecq at LSV, then LMF, and of Sylvain Schmitz at IRIF.
EATCS dissertation Award for Marie Fortin
Marie Fortin received the EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award for 2020. The award established by the European Association of Theoretical Computer Science recognises outstanding dissertations in the field of Theoretical Computer Science.
Marie prepared her thesis Expressivity of first-order logic, star-free propositional dynamic logic and communicating automata at LSV under the supervision of Benedikt Bollig and Paul Gastin.
Portraits de chercheurs : Patricia Bouyer
Un article sur Patricia Bouyer vient de paraitre dans la rubrique Portraits de chercheurs des Actualités de l'Université Paris-Saclay.