Séminaire au vert, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, 13 – 14 juin 2024

The LMF seminar 2024 took place on June 13–14, 2024 at Domaine Saint-Paul in Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse.

How to get there

A bus leaving from Gif-sur-Yvette to Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse on Thursday morning, returning on Friday evening:

  • Thursday, meeting 9h20 at the Digiteo parking (rue Raimond Castaing), departure 9h30; a second stop at Le Guichet RER station.
  • Friday, departure at 16h45 from Domaine Saint-Paul towards Le Guichet RER station, with terminus Digiteo parking.

If you arrange your own transport (car, bike, public transportation), please check the arrival instructions of our host, or the following pdf file.


Day 1, Thursday 13 June

10h15 – 10h45 Arrival, welcome coffee

10h45 – 12h30 Tutorial (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Serge Haddad: Jeux sur un graphe (1 hour)

Me and my project (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Marin Costes : Space-time deterministic graph rewriting (10-15 min)
  • Zhuofan Xu : Permutation Equivariant Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Armed Bandit Problem (10-15 min)
  • Thomas Traversie : Double-negation translation for higher-order logic (10-15 min)

12h30 – 14h00 Lunch (La Rotonde)

14h00 – 16h00

Senior talk (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Véronique Benzaken, Évelyne Contejean, Chantal Keller : SQLCert: A Coq verified SQL's compiler (30 min)

Me and my project (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Luc Lapointe : Concurrent games with arbitrarily large numbers of players (10-15 min)
  • Margot Catinaud : Mecanized proofs of electronic voting protocols: focus on mixnets protocols (10-15 min)

Senior talks (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Adrien Durier : Using concurrency theory to model cyber-physical systems (30 min)
  • Claude Marché : Des automates programmables industriels aux BDD paramétriques: de l’avantage de nuancer les décisions binaires (30 min)

16h00 – 16h30 Coffee break

16h30 – 18h00

  • Team building (Nomad! Escape)

18h00 – 20h00

  • Enjoy the place

20h00 Dinner (La Rotonde)

Day 2, Friday 14 June

8h00 – 8h45

  • Breakfast
  • Give your room key back

9h00 – 10h30 Senior talk (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Guillaume Melquiond : Numerical Computations and Formal Proofs (1 hour)

Me and my project (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Gaspard Fougea : Formal models for psychology : modeling a theory of stress with communicating automata (10-15 min)
  • Philippe Volte-Vieira : Dealing with side effects and set-theoretic types (10-15 min)

10h30 – 11h00 Coffee break

11h00 – 12h30 Senior talk (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Idir Ait Sadoune: A floating-point numbers theory for Event-B  (30 min)

Me and my project (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Julien Lamiroy : Indefinite Causal Orders in Quantum Computing(10-15 min)

Discussions (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Parité/égalité -- Caroline Fontaine (30 min)
  • Développement durable -- Thomas Chatain (15 min)

12h30 – 14h00 Lunch (La Rotonde)

14h00 – 16h00 Senior talk (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Laurent Doyen : Top-Down Complementation of Automata on Finite Trees (30 min)

Me & my project (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Théo Vignon : A Probabilistic Logic for Concrete Security (10-15 min)
  • Andrei Samokish : Formal verification of specifications with the model-base approach (10-15 min)

Tutorial (Bâtiment D9 salle C7)

  • Marc De Visme : Graphical Languages for Quantum Computation (1 hour)

16h00 – 16h30 Coffee break, departure